Garden gnomes: whimsical sentinels or kitsch ornaments? These pint-sized figures have a history as rich and varied as their designs. Lurking in the lawns and flower beds of the world, they captivate the imagination and reflect a unique cultural narrative. Embark on a journey through the...
Every single year, we are witnessing powerlessness in the extension of many species of plants and animals. According to experts this extension is highly the cause of habitat loss and disturbance. As the question is alarming, we should do all our possible to reverse the trend, to avoid jeopardizing...
The alarm sounded by environmental experts and ecologists has raised the awareness of the public about the danger of habitat destruction. People are conscious now that their actions in the environment could have bad repercussions on biodiversity and could jeopardize their own existence....
Every organism, to survive and reproduce, needs to be in a proper environment. However, men, animals, insects are living in different areas, with completely different characteristics. This physics and biotic differences that we could notice from a habitat to another could help to classify them. In...
Many organizations fighting for the environment and animal rights are warning about the actions of humans on the natural habitat of animals. For them, human deeds are the reason for the extinction of many species of animals and the endangerment of many others. Talking about the natural habitat of...
With the occurrence of giant forest fires and deregulation of the climate in the world, our environment is more than ever vulnerable. To explain the causes of such natural disasters, ecologists and experts are pointing the finger on habitat destruction. Scientists even warned that actions of human...