Every single year, we are witnessing powerlessness in the extension of many species of plants and animals. According to experts this extension is highly the cause of habitat loss and disturbance. As the question is alarming, we should do all our possible to reverse the trend, to avoid jeopardizing our own existence. For that, we need to answer the sore question; what causes habitat loss? This article will answer that question.
Human contribution
Human deeds have also severe repercussions of this level. The destruction of the natural habitat of animals by humans could be direct. The direct causes consist of the removal of the habitat, and its consequences could be irreversible. For agricultural, industrial or for development purposes, thousands of square kilometers of woodlands are destroyed. The greatest example to illustrate this is the destruction of the Amazon rainforest by the humans.
As a result, the ecosystem of that forest, described as the lung of the planet is simply in jeopardy. Other human activities such as pollution, introduction of new species, and overexploitation of some species are also serious causes of habitat loss. Even if the actions are not direct, the results are almost the same, as the habitat faces a severe modification.
Natural habitat loss
Nature itself could be severe sometimes, even if men could have a hand in it. Due to natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes or severe storms, a natural habitat could be destroyed. Erosion of the soil can change its structure and so could seriously damage the harmony of a natural environment. This disturbance will lead to the death of so many species, especially those which are particularly sensitive to climate change. The same thing can be observed in case of volcanic eruption in a zone. All the living creatures will leave the habitat and will certainly not come back again, because the larva will literally scour the soil.